Musician-developed projects that spread creativity and inspiration through music.
Why is it important?
Creativity and the arts are a basic human right that can truly transform lives. We want to keep working towards increasing access to the arts for people of all ages and backgrounds so that everyone can discover their own creative spirit.
Classical music fosters creativity, emotional expression, and intellectual growth. Live music experiences can have a powerful effect on us all, inspiring confidence, enhancing academic achievement in school children, and building a sense of connection and community.
Through our efforts, we hope to cultivate not just the next generation of music lovers and performers, but also creative thinkers who feel empowered by their own creativity and can help make the world a better place in their own way.
“Music is the one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends mankind, but which mankind cannot comprehend.”
Ludwig van Beethoven
Current Initiatives
A fun and creative musical activity that introduces young listeners to classical music.
Each 30- to 40-minute session focuses on a theme that ties together art and music, and participants are encouraged to listen critically and think creatively as they come up with doodles based on the music they hear. By combining listening with an interactive element, young listeners are able to enjoy an introduction to live classical music in a casual and fun environment.
Inspiring the next generation.
Students who may not have the ability or means to attend a traditional classical performance have the opportunity to enjoy music right in their own school. Our outreach performances focus on bringing exceptional talent and music to schools (grades K-12) to inspire the next generation of musicians and classical music lovers.
Helping young musicians succeed.
Masterclasses provide young musicians with access to one-time instruction, guidance, and mentorship from a professional musician in a public setting.
The Soli Music Society has collaborated with community leaders and organizations to use music as a way to raise awareness and funds for important causes.
If you would like to collaborate with the Soli Music Society on your next fundraising event, please contact us.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited.
Imagination encircles the world.”
Albert Einstein